Veloute sauce

This is one of the basic white sauces made with a white veal or chicken stock or a fish fumet, thickened with a white or golden roux. 

Numerous other sauces derived from it: allemande, caper, poulette and mushroom sauce (all from veil veloute) and ivoire, supreme and aurore sauces (all from fish veloute).

The basic veloute can also be used as a basis for making smooth, fine but rich soups.


100g butter
100g plain flour
1 litre stock (chicken, veal or mutton)


  1. Melt the butter in a thick-bottomed pan.
  2. Add the flour and mix in.
  3. Cook out to a sandy texture over gentle heat without colouring.
  4. Allow the roux to cool.
  5. Gradually add the boiling stock making sure that all the fat has been skimmed from the stock before adding it to the roux.
  6. Stir until smooth and boiling.
  7. Allow to simmer for approximately 1 hour.
  8. Pass it through a fine strainer.


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